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Joanna’s Story

Parents have a big and never-ending job, a labor of love and survival, while their babies are in the NICU. Part of our role is working toward what they cannot even imagine yet – the future. Joanna’s mom (Jessica) and I are going to tell you Joanna’s story, including a snapshot of my vision for her from my perspective as a neonatal therapist.

Sue/Therapist: I met Joanna and her parents just a couple of days after Joanna and her twin sister were born.

Joanna weighed 1lb 10oz and was on a ventilator to support her lungs and breathing. Presumably due to low levels of amniotic fluid in the womb, she had contractures at her shoulders, elbows, knees, and ankles, preventing her from moving through her full range of motion, and leaving her spine curved. The low fluid also seemed to contribute to positional and then structural changes in her mouth and jaw. I knew one thing for sure – Joanna was active – a fighter! What I didn’t know at that point was that finding strength through vulnerability was part of her family’s story.

I noticed that when…click here to keep reading