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2014 NANT Conference Registration is now OPEN!

In 2011, NANT’s second year in existence, I took a huge leap and launched a national conference. Why would I take such a risk? After all, NANT was still in its infancy. What was I thinking?

I was thinking of just one thing.


I made a video (actually a very CASUAL video, we’re talkin kitchen table casual) to explain why this event means so much to me and why it thrills me to bring it to you. Take a peak:

So yay, conference registration is officially LIVE today (Tuesday December 10th)! The best thing is, I get to spend this afternoon with hundreds of you at the NANT Virtual Summit – a very cool way to celebrate AND receive some incredible education.

See you at 1pm EST for the Virtual Summit and remember to bring your questions for the All-Access Q&A Panel!

And don’t forget to check out the 3 ways to register for the NANT Conference.Can’t wait for you to see the agenda!