“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead
One thing I found especially obvious at the conference last week, as well as during the Mentoring Calls, and on the Professional Support Network is this:
We, as neonatal therapists, are more powerful than we know.
The more I learn about us as a group, the more I realize how much our unique knowledge of our patients and the NICU is needed. It’s not that we haven’t been in the NICU all along – but building a united voice on such a strong foundation is leading us toward a very bright future.
And I just want to say I’m grateful to be part of that ride.
When I experience your passion, and your incredible knowledge and drive, I know we are on the cusp of something more amazing than we can envision.
Or maybe we can envision it – maybe that’s the energy we felt at the 2011 conference. The one that felt like elation, excitement and connectedness all in one.
I can’t wait to see how we continue to change the world.
One tiny life at a time.