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Instead of Giving Up – Because Healthcare Will Never Be Perfect

Are you just about to give up?

Instead of Giving Up - Because Healthcare Will Never Be Perfect

See if this rings any bells:

You know a certain change in practice needs to happen in your NICU. (Pick one- there are so many!) You KNOW, and evidence shows, that this change will improve care.


You’ve presented your case time and time again. (Meeting after meeting of non-RVU time.)

You’ve been patient. (Tap, tap, tap….)

You’ve been hopeful! (“Sure, we’ll bring it up at the next meeting.”)

You’ve been devastated. (There’s no money for that this year.)

You’ve been kicked while you were down. (We’re getting a new director with a different agenda. I’m afraid you’ll have to start the process over.)

You’ve moved forward anyway. (Because that’s who you are.)

You’ve wondered. (Why, oh why am I killing myself to improve this practice/team/NICU?)

You’ve made progress. (It’s going to happen! But in 2016.)

You’ve held tight to your vision. (You can’t stand to settle for less than excellent care.)

You’ve wished that someone on earth understood how hard it is to make valuable changes in the NICU, within the current healthcare system.

We get it. We’ve been there (and are still there sometimes!). And we’ve helped countless others through times like this – broken through barriers, hoped beyond hope, succeeded in changing big and small practices (and NICUs) for the better.

And we’re here to support you. Honored to support you.

So don’t give up! Instead, join us for the NANT Virtual Summit (a free online event) next Tuesday.

This is all you have to do:

1. Register.

2. Login next Tuesday the 9th at 1pm EST.

3. Listen in, ask questions, SHARE in the journey.

4. Download some FREE TOOLS to make the path clearer and less lonely. (Since it will never be perfect!)

5. Take at least 1 powerful barrier-breaking idea home.

And keep changing the world.