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What Do You Bring into the Incubator? Bringing Your Best Self into the World of Premature Babies

We each have a vibe. An energy. Our own individual mojo.

And it’s easy to pick up everyone else’s vibe.

We can walk away from someone feeling energized, centered, happy, or …

Not so much.

We all know people who, when asked, “How are you today?” respond consistently with a sigh, a heaving of the shoulders, and enough negative mojo to throw us backwards. And they’re not just being real, they’re sucking the life out of you with their negativity.

So, we get that. We feel that emanating from other people.

But do you know what your vibe is?

We work with premature babies. And one of the many things we’ve learned is how sensitive they are to our energy.

I know you can picture this: let’s say I’m not having the best day at work. I’m stressed or frustrated.

If I open the portholes to an isolette and put my hands on a premature baby without leaving my stress behind, he tells me immediately he doesn’t like that vibe. (Our mood often changes the way and the speed with which we perform care, no?) He startles, furrows his brow, and moves his arms and legs erratically. He might even desat or brady. This is how these babies speak.

The point is I can’t fool them. I can’t pretend to have this chilled out centered vibe if it’s not true. They know. They’re expert vibe-readers who don’t have the ability to accept our drama.

The babies have taught me over time that it’s possible to choose how I show up. That in the midst of any situation, I can take a deep breath, let go of my negativity and set an intention to allow my positive energy to go forth into the world. Or into an incubator, which is like a very small world itself.

The coolest thing is that it matters. Especially when you weigh 2 pounds and are trying to adapt to this world where you’re attached primarily to wires and probes versus primarily to your mom.

It matters to every person (and animal) we come into contact with. (Dogs are great vibe-readers too!) With every conversation, interaction, intervention, we have the opportunity to spread a little more of that good mojo.

And that can only be great for the world.

What are you putting out there?