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Neonatal Therapists: Top 10 Reason We Are Grateful To Work in the NICU

1. We are privileged to work with the most fascinating, tenacious patients on the planet.

2. We witness a stage of life and development most cannot imagine.

3. We get to use nerdy therapy words like proprioception, external pacing, symmetry, alignment, and tone on a daily basis.

4. We’re able to provide support for the tender and foundational relationship between parent and newborn child, both seemingly fighting for the other.

5. We wear scrubs.

6. Our work is powerful in the moment and has positive lifelong implications for neurodevelopment.

7. We’re part of the NICU team, a fascinating array of disciplines with a singular mission.

8. No matter what else is going on in the world or in our lives, THIS work makes sense. THIS work is art, science, advocacy, passion and skill all at once.

9. We learn that no matter how the world attempts to define a person or predict individual and collective outcomes, there is something unique and intangible in each human being.

10. Our patients are expert at redefining what is possible. And mostly, we’re grateful for that.