This friendly reminder is for the following groups of people:
1) Procrastinators
2) Spontaneous, last-minute people
3) I-love-to-travel people
Just four weeks from the conference, nearly everyone in our community has registered for NANT 14 or decided not to register for many reasons. However, there are those of you whose motivation is related to the excitement that floods your brain when you jump into something at the last minute. Or the procrastinators who often can’t drum up the desire to register until there’s a hard deadline staring them in the face.
Your colleagues who have been registered since December 5, 2023, cannot fathom how you do life this way. You, however, find it fun, even exhilarating. We’re all different, and that’s actually pretty awesome.
The good news is that there are a handful of seats left for the in-person conference and unlimited spots available for the Friday livestream package, but ALL forms of registration close in less than one week on Monday, March 18.
Register here to secure your spot now. Packages 1-4 apply to the in-person event, and package 5 is for the Friday livestream.
No matter when you register(ed), we’re beyond grateful that you’ve chosen NANT 14 as one of your destinations in 2024. You’re worth every second of the education, connection, relaxation, and refueling we aim to provide.