I can’t possibly list all of the highlights of NANT 7. In fact, I’m still collecting them – snippets of conversations I had with so many of you are seared into my brain and heart. Those are the intimate, intangible, and priceless moments I will not forget.
And then there are these:
We witnessed over 400 colleagues reimagine their impact by letting go of barriers and focusing on antidotes and core values instead. (For those of you who attended, this picture speaks volumes.)
- We watched history unfold as the names of the first 75 Certified Neonatal Therapists (CNTs) to ever walk the planet were announced by the Neonatal Therapy National Certification Board.
- We learned more fully than ever about the roles and importance of FATHERS in the NICU and the power we mere humans possess to save babies like #JUNIPER. We left both Pre-Conference sessions in awe of fabulous teams, new programs, and our potential impact.
- We honored the babies you have collectively lost in the past year and the families who love them. (Perhaps more on that later- I don’t have words for it yet.)
- We watched 260+ colleagues that have attended multiple NANT Conferences in the past welcome the 160+ first timers with openness and collaboration.
And NANT Members – what can I say? You are the reason any of this is possible. You are NANT. We are so grateful for your dedication and participation.
Cheers to babies and families. May we serve you to the best of our ability at all times.