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Course Description
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the transition from NICU to home occur when an infant achieves physiologic stability and there is a program for parental involvement and preparation for care of the infant at home¹. Discharge planning also assures that arrangements for outpatient follow-up have been completed and that the family has received the necessary teaching and training required to care for their baby, including competency in sleep safety, feeding, and basic cares². Adequate parent education can reduce the risk of readmission by ensuring that parents seek medical attention appropriately, administer medications and other therapies correctly, and show confidence in the home management of non-acute medical problems³. Still, there has only been limited guidance offered on what the content of a comprehensive discharge planning program for the family should be⁴.
The National Perinatal Association, an interdisciplinary organization of professionals, parents, and advocates who serve as a leading voice in perinatal care, sought to fill the knowledge gap in family support and preparedness. In 2017, the NPA convened a work group to complete an environmental scan, collect and collate existing standards, and complete a literature review of available evidence. In 2019, the NPA hosted a national summit of 16 multidisciplinary experts to review the proposed guidelines, leading to the successful publication of the consensus statement for NICU discharge preparation and transition planning guidelines in the February 2022 issue of the Journal of Perinatology⁵.
This 1-hour presentation will provide learners with a high-level view of the five guideline sections and a roadmap for integration into their own unit. Additionally, learners will be oriented to the landing page, a source for the tools and information needed to put the Interdisciplinary Guidelines and Recommendations for NICU Discharge Preparation and Transition Planning into action.
Target Audience
OT, SLP, PT, RN, MD, and Neonatal professionals
Instructional Method
Lecture, case studies, handouts, recorded question and answer session. Learning assessment and course evaluation follow the course.
Course Completion Requirements
The learner must view the entire webinar, complete the course evaluation, and complete the post-webinar learning assessment with at least an 80% to receive education credit. Login and logout times are recorded and documented. Following completion of this course, physical therapists, nurses, and other disciplines will receive a certificate of completion and a zip file containing information necessary to submit to their individual state for education credit. Zip file will include course bibliography. Physical therapists are responsible for knowing and adhering to their state’s deadlines, rules, and regulations.
Speaker Bio
Cuyler Romeo, MOT, OTR/L, SCFES, IBCLC, NTMTC, is an Occupational Therapist serving as Feeding Matters’ Director of Strategic Initiatives and practicing as a NICU Feeding Specialist at Banner University Medical Center-Tucson. She holds a specialty certification in Feeding, Eating and Swallowing (SCFES) and is an internationally certified lactation counselor (IBCLC). She contributes to the execution and management of Feeding Matters’ strategic initiatives while collaborating with constituents to identify, track, and assess innovative approaches to the PFD system of care. She also works to advance feeding practice by facilitating AOTA’s Mealtime Occupations: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing Community of Practice, serving on AOTA’s CCCPD and serving as a member of the National Perinatal Association’s Developmental Work Group for guideline dissemination. She is also a founding Board Member of the Institution of Perception-Action Approach, which brings evidenced-based education on perception-action approach to professionals working with children with movement disorders.
Financial Disclosures: Cuyler receives a salary as Director of Strategic Initiatives for Feeding Matters and hourly compensation for Banner UMC-Tucson.
Nonfinancial Disclosures: Cuyler is a member of the NPA’s multi-disciplinary Committee for authoring, dissemination, and implementation of these guidelines.
Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.
00:00-10:00 min Setting the stage for change: discharge experience & preparation
10:00-15:00 min Current requirements for discharge from the AAP
15:00-20:00 min The National Perinatal Association at work, authoring the Discharge Preparation & Transition Planning Guidelines
20:00-30:00 min Overview of the guidelines-the 4 sections & special populations
30:00-45:00 min Using the guidelines and case examples
45:00-60:00 min Next steps- An implementation pilot, using an open access model, a focus on feeding and utilizing nonprofit resources
60:00-64:00 min Learning assessment
Registration information
Members must log into the NANT Hub to receive complimentary access to this course. Non-members may purchase this course via the Buy Now button above.
For ADA accommodations, please call NANT Customer Service for more information at (866) 999-5524.
Cancellation Policy
Click HERE to review NANT’s Course Cancellation Policy.
National Association of Neonatal Therapists® (NANT) is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 07778. This Distance Learning-Independent Course is offered at 0.1 CEUs (Intermediate level, Occupational Therapy Service Delivery & Professional Issues). AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
Learners must complete the entire course in order to receive ASHA CEUs. No partial credit awarded. ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.
ASHA CE Registry users: NANT will submit your ASHA CEU credit to ASHA on your behalf. ASHA CEUs may take up to 100 days to appear on your ASHA Transcript.
Non-ASHA CE Registry users: Maintain your course records and please keep your registry status current in your NANT account. Update your NANT account with your ASHA number if your registry status changes. NANT is not responsible for tracking your registry usage.
PT CE Credit
This activity is provided by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners Accredited Provider 2501058TX and meets continuing competence requirements for physical therapist and physical therapist assistant licensure renewal in Texas. This activity is offered for 1.0 CCUs for PTs and PTAs.
The assignment of Texas PT CCUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by TPTA or TBPTE.
NANT is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved provider of physical therapy and physical therapist assistant continuing education.
*NANT 13 attendees who previously viewed this educational content may retake this course and receive CE Credit.
Questions regarding CE credit should be directed to the National Association of Neonatal Therapists at or (866) 999-5524.