Some you love. Some you hate.
Some you broke right outa the gate.
You toil and labor
and fight for the summit
feeling the pressure to
avoid a big plummet.
You rant and rave
wanting to flee
the year you’ve set up
and it’s only day 3.
Well you’re in luck
here’s a way to consider
two thousand fourteen
without being so bitter.
It’s time to start over
a shiny clean slate
versus 1000 things
to add to your plate.
Others will push you
oh this is true
to schedule the things
THEY want you to do.
But you are wiser
and braver than that
only you know yourself
and that is a fact.
So be gentle, not harsh
as you look straight ahead
untarnished and bright
let go of the dread.
For this is your life
and the really cool thing
is you get to start over
and over again.
Decide to improve
and still set your goals
but don’t rake your dreams
over super-hot coals.
There is wisdom in timing
so space some things out
enjoy your life daily
believe through the doubt.
Love and forgive
and be there for them
those people you love
both family and friends.
Do something that matters
straight from the heart
never once doubting
your unique part.
The New Year awaits
with unforeseen gifts.
Keep your calendar open
for mind-blowing shifts.
2014 is your clean shiny slate.
Make it your #1 best year to date.