NANT provides two annual peer-nominated awards – Excellence in Research and Excellence in Clinical Practice. Recipients receive their awards during the NANT Conference. Click here to access the nomination forms and criteria for both awards.
2021 Recipients included:
Excellence in Research: Louisa Ferrara, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CNT, NTMTC
Excellence in Clinical Practice: Jamie LaRussa, MA, CCC-SLP, CNT, NTMTC
Why are we committed to this award process?
Three reasons:
1. For decades, your efforts have gone largely unnoticed while your contributions to neonatal therapy and neonatal care have been, and continue to be, considerable. We believe you should be recognized and celebrated.
2. Research and clinical practice are the cornerstones of neonatal therapy. We cannot perform either well without the other. We aim to honor those that have excelled in these areas while inspiring future generations of neonatal therapists to do the same.
3. Excellence is one of NANT’s Core Values and the theme for NANT 12- Mission: Excellence. This is how we describe excellence: “We constantly recommit to the highest intention for the greatest good. All roads lead to serving babies and families in the NICU.”
Please take time to nominate one or more of your colleagues in honor of their dedication to excellence.
Deadline for nominations: January 14, 2022
We cannot wait to celebrate your accomplishments at NANT 12!