Inaugural Recipients of the Pioneer in Neonatal Therapy Award

Pioneer in Neonatal Therapy Award – Inaugural Recipients (left to right)

Betty Hutchon, Lourdes Garcia Tormos, Kara Ann Waitzman, Lynn Wolf, John Chappel, Chrysty Sturdivant, Robin Glass, Rosemarie Bigsby, Jane Sweeney, and Cathie Smith.(Recipients not pictured: Elsie Vergara, Catherine Shaker and Jan Hunter)

The above recipients have worked for decades to advance our presence and purpose in the NICU and have contributed immensely to educating us all. It was past time to honor them.

You may be tempted to believe that they ‘have arrived’, that they are finished learning, that they no longer understand what it’s like to be you, your first year or 10th year in the NICU, trying to wrap your brain around all the knowledge you need to work there.

What you may not know is that these pioneers fully understand how much there is to learn. They stood on that stage at the NANT Conference BECAUSE they never stopped learning and they never once assumed they had arrived. They have elevated the experience for patients and families (and for all of us) for decades. It is only because of their trailblazing efforts that NANT was a conceivable notion for me.

Once they were all present on stage, I turned and saw them smiling broadly ear to ear, truly grateful to be in each other’s presence. Funny thing was, I thought to myself, “Wow, this group is a reflection of the bookshelf in my office.” Articles, notes, books with many dog-eared pages, presentations – they have truly led the way for decades.

Pioneers: we cannot thank you enough for your dedication – fierce and enduring – to the babies and families we serve, and to the thousands of neonatal therapists all over the world for whom you have forged a path. Your immense contributions are deeply appreciated.

*For the sake of disclosure – just know that the Pioneers (both nominated and awarded) were submitted by a global audience and chosen by you. I nominated no one – the results are due to your input and enthusiasm in submitting your support for each pioneer.