I arrived at the airport in Seattle excited from a day of speaking and growing a bit weary from the time change and travel. I was already thinking about what the next day held as far as meetings, work, and family.
As I waited for the train to take me to my terminal, I noticed a little 2-ish year old boy sitting in a stroller next to me. His mother looked weary too – that kind of weary that only mothers of 2 year olds in airports understand.
I caught his eye and we smiled big smiles at each other. And then the game of peak-a-boo ensued.
When we boarded the train he watched me sit down and then told his mom he wanted to sit too. NOT in the stroller of course. On the REAL seat. So up he climbed into the seat. She told him to hang on because the train was about to start.
His whole body was geared up and ready – he couldn’t contain his anticipation and started overflowing with laughter. He said, “1, 2, 3, ready, set, GO!” and the train took off.
His big eyes looked over at me and we both laughed. His mom laughed too. He was contagious.
This was one of those little moments. Many times I wouldn’t have noticed it. I would’ve been too distracted to attend to him or the situation.
What he taught me is this:
Who cares if it’s 10pm Pacific Time and we’re all up a little past our bedtime? Who cares if we have to take a train all the way to our terminal? (We GET to take a TRAIN to our terminal!) And truly, in the moment, what can I do to change any of those things?
It’s FUN!
The time of day and the thoughts about tomorrow are going to be there whenever we want to pick them back up.
Fun happens when we make space for it. When we’re open to it. When we put aside our Google calendars, our unopened emails, and our to-do list and look right into the eyes of someone who lives in that space every chance he gets.
Thanks buddy.