We’re so grateful that…
- we get to work with the most fascinating, tenacious patients on the planet.
- we’re able to witness a stage of life and development most cannot imagine.
- we must use words we love – like neuroprotection, symmetry, alignment, and tone – on a daily basis.
- we’re able to provide support for the tender and powerful relationship between parent and newborn child, both seemingly fighting for the other.
- we get to wear scrubs. ☺
- nurses teach us and are willing to learn from us too – and in the best circumstances become lifelong friends.
- we’re part of the NICU team, a fascinating array of disciplines with a singular mission.
- we understand more and more about our patients and their challenges every day, every year.
- no matter what else is going on in the world or in our lives, THIS work makes sense. THIS work is art, science, advocacy, passion and skill all at once.
- our tiny patients teach us that no matter how the world attempts to define a person or predict individual and collective outcomes, there is something unique and intangible in each human being.
- Our patients are expert at redefining what is possible.
- And mostly, I’m grateful for that.