Gratitude in Action: A Thanksgiving Week Dare

I dare you.

I dare you to choose at least one person in your life that would not expect this from you.

This week or on Thanksgiving Day verbally tell that person that you are grateful for them.

If in person, walk right up to them, look them in the eyeballs and say, “I want you to know that I am grateful for you.” Simple, right?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Some of us would rather sign up to run our first marathon or take a 3-hour standardized test than feel that vulnerable. Try it anyway.

I challenge you because I want you to feel awake in your own life. And personally, nothing makes me feel more alive than clear expressions of gratitude.

Tell them in person, call them on the phone, FaceTime or Skype them if able. We are losing the art of verbal communication and your message may therefore be more powerful than ever.

NOTE: If you have conjured up expectations of your person’s response, set them aside. This isn’t about their response. It’s about how you feel when you show up in gratitude.

The family dramas, food, and traditions will get a lot of fanfare this week. And that’s all good and fun and memorable. But remember that your life is a mosaic of your experiences and decisions. In 5 years you’ll remember the decision to accept this dare more than any other choice you make this week.

Choosing between apple and pumpkin pie is always a close second.