Tweeting Isn’t Just for Birds Anymore

When I first heard about Twitter a few years ago, I was thinking, “Really? Another thing I have to keep up with? Who has time for that?”

You can’t even log in to Facebook or Twitter from the hospital anyway, so when would you even pencil that in? And besides, what can anyone say in 140 characters that you’d find meaningful?

I get it.

And yet.

Yesterday I came across a post from our awesome keynote speaker Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on…yes…Twitter.

It said, “We mirror one another so project what you want reflected back at you. It’s a game we all can learn to master. Have fun with it.”

And I sat and pondered that thought. As I went into each situation yesterday I thought, “What do I want reflected back to me?” Wow – did that influence how I showed up!

I won’t go into all the details in this brief “Thought of the Week” but I will report this much:

I just had the longest conversation with my kids that I’ve had in a long time. Many times they scatter off after briefly connecting (they’re teenagers after all). But today there was real sharing, lots of laughter and even a, “Can I do anything to help you today mom?” (Seriously.) It just FELT good.

All from 140 characters or less.

Here’s my thought about all social media – just like in life, we can choose who we really want to share our time and energy with (even our virtual energy!). AND we must choose how WE show up as well.

Whose energy do you love?

Follow them. Maybe they’ll follow you.

And maybe 140 characters can make a difference. It did to me.

What can YOU say to change someone’s day for the better?

  • Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor said she’d love for us to follow her on Twitter! Click here to follow her! (@DrJBT)
  • And are you following NANT yet? (@NANTtweets)
  • Follow Sue Ludwig (@sueludwig)
  • NANT on Facebook