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Neonatal Therapists are on a Mission

“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead 

As a kid, did you want to grow up to help people and change a corner of the world? If so, take a deep breath and realize you’re living your dream. Seriously, shed all the RVUs and stress for a moment and take that in. Countless lives are better because of you.

You, as neonatal therapists, are more powerful than you know.

The more I learn about us as a group, the more I realize how much our unique perspective is needed in the NICU. Not just needed, but necessary. As much as we may think others see things the way we see them, it’s just not true. We complement existing knowledge and add facets to research and bedside care that no one else can.

Of course, therapists have worked in the NICU all along (some of our Members have 40+ years of experience) – but building a united voice on such a strong foundation is leading us toward an even brighter future. I’m grateful to be part of that ride.

Jenene Craig, our Director of Education, said it best after attending her first NANT Conference years ago, “I’m so glad I’m alive to see this.”

When I experience your passion and incredible knowledge and drive, I know we are on the verge of something more amazing than we can envision.

Or maybe we can envision it – we actually felt it at NANT 7. It feels like elation, excitement, growth, and connectedness all in one. It feels like a movement to improve global neurodevelopmental outcomes, a collaborative community of shared support. It feels like a mission.

I can’t wait to see how you continue to change the world.

One tiny life at a time.